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EGT Northwind Ltd. - G19S011

A geotechnical program will be conducted using a track-mounted geotechnical auger drill rig. The project is plan is for 12 boreholes to be advanced to 10m (3 holes), 15m (8holes), and 30m (1 hole) or refusal.  Minimal vegetation will be cleared to allow the geotechnical drill to move from site to site. No camp will be required for this project. 


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
All Issuances
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
G19S011 - Land Use Permit - Jan27_20.pdf (288.42 KB)
G19S011 - Permit Issuance Letter - Jan27_20.pdf (31.91 KB)
G19S011 - Reasons for Decision - Jan27_20.pdf (208.09 KB)