External Documents
The following documents were not created by the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley and may serve as technical reference resources and supplementary information for LWB documents.
Aquatic Effects Monitoring Programs
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC, NT Region). Guidelines for Designing and Implementing Aquatic Effects Monitoring Programs for Development Projects in the NWT: Vol. 4. (2008).
- INAC - Guidelines for Designing and Implementing Aquatic Effects Monitoring Programs for Development Projects in the Northwest Territories (2009).
- INAC - Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) Guidelines (1996).
- CCME - Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life: Site-Specific Guidance (2003).
- Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center - Archaeological Guidelines for Developers (2011)
Consultation and Engagement
- Professional Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) - E3Plus: A Framework for Responsible Exploration: Principles and Guidance (2014).
- INAC - Aboriginal Consultation and Accommodation: Updated Guidelines for Federal Officials to Fulfill the Duty to Consult (2011)
- Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) - Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation
- Weghàà Ełeyatıts’eedı: Engagement Guidelines (2022)
Environmental Assessment
- Guidelines for Preliminary Screeners (2022)
- Integrated Environmental Assessment Management – Linking Environmental Assessment to Environmental Regulation Through Adaptive Management (2011).
- MVEIRB Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Guidelines – Chapter 1, (2007).
- Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB) Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines (2004).
- Beaver Dam Removal
- Culvert Maintenance
- End-of-Pipe Fish Protection Screens for Small water intakes in freshwater
- Fish Screen Design Criteria for Flood and Water Truck Pumps (2011)
- Framework for Assessing the Ecological Flow Requirements to Support Fisheries in Canada (2013)
- Northwest Territories Restrict Activity Timing Windows for the Protection of Fish and Fish Habitat
- Request a Review of Your Project Near Water
- Routine Maintenance Dredging
- Temporary Cofferdams and Diversion Channels
- Temporary Stream Crossings
Glossaries of Terms
Review Board - Indigenous Language Glossaries (explanations and translations of terms)
Land Use Planning
- Sahtu Land Use Plan (2013).
- Sahtu Land Use Plan Implementation Guide (2013).
- Tłı̨chǫ Land Use Plan - Tłı ̨chǫ Wenek’e (2013).
- Gwich’in Land Use Plan - Nành’ Geenjit Gwitr’it T’igwaa’in (Working for the Land) (2003).
Mine Closure and Reclamation
- GNWT - RECLAIM 7.0 Model for Estimating Reclamation Costs - User Manual: Oil and Gas Version (2017).
- GNWT - RECLAIM 7.0 Spreadsheet – Oil and Gas (2017).
- GNWT - RECLAIM 7.0 Model for Estimating Reclamation Costs - User Manual: Mining Version (2017).
- GNWT - RECLAIM 7.0 Spreadsheet – Mining (2017).
- INAC - Mine Site Reclamation Policy for the NWT (2002).
- INAC - Cold Regions Cover System Design Technical Guidance Document (MEND Report 1.16.5c) (2012).
- GNWT - Environmental Guideline for Contaminated Site Remediation (2003).
Northern Land Use Guidelines
- GNWT - Seismic Operations (2015).
- GNWT - Camp & Support Facilities (2015).
- GNWT - Pits & Quarries (2015).
- GNWT - Access: Roads and Trails (2015).
- NWT Hazardous Spill Database Report (2016-2017): This report contains copied information regarding spills that were reported to the Northwest Territories 24-Hour Spill Report Line. For the most up to date information regarding spills please visit Environment and Natural Resources Hazardous Materials Spills Database. Information contained in this data set may change as updates to spill reports are received.
- NT-NU Spill Report Form
- INAC Guidelines for Spill Contingency Planning (2007): These Guidelines were adopted by the MVLWB in 2009.
Waste Management
The following are documents to assist with managing waste (as referenced throughout the MVLWB’s Solid Waste Facility template):
- Household Hazardous Wastes (2010)
- Drum Disposal Protocol for Municipal Landfill (2005)
- Municipal Solid Wastes Suitable for Open Burning (2011)
- Guide to Recycling Mercury-Containing Lamps (2012)
- Guideline for the Management of Waste Antifreeze (2002)
- Guidelines for the Management of Waste Asbestos (2009)
- Guideline for the Management of Waste Batteries (2002)
- Guideline for the Management of Waste Lead and Lead Paint (2017)
- Used Oil and Waste Fuel Management Regulations – Plain Language Guide (2011)
- Environmental Guideline for Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs) and Halocarbon Alternatives (2009)
- GNWT - Guidelines for the Planning, Design, Operations and Maintenance of Modified Solid Waste Sites in the Northwest Territories (2003).
- Solid Waste Management for Northern and Remote Communities