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GNWT-INF (Beaufort Delta) - G23L8-002

Surface drainage upgrades at the Inuvik Aiport. The project will involve constructing new drainage ditches and culverts within the airport property which includes the runway, taxiways, and the natural areas to the east and west of the airport within Commissioner’s land under reserve by the Inuvik Airport within property boundaries held by GNWT–Department of Lands. The purpose of the drainage design is to prevent surface water from ponding around the runway and minimize further permafrost degradation in order to stabilize the runway, embankments, and vertical infrastructure (i.e., buildings).

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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Application and Related Docs
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT INF - Inuvik Airport Drainage - Draft Water Licence - Jul21_23.pdf (351.53 KB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Cover Letter and Water License Application Form-May31_23.pdf (1.29 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment A-Figures-May31_23.pdf (3.41 MB)
GWNT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment C-Drainage Design Report-Draft-May31_23.pdf (2.74 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment G-Hazardous Material Response Plan-May31_23.pdf (8.65 MB)
GWNT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment H-Engagement Plan and Record-May31_23.pdf (8.5 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment I-Preliminary Environmental Screening Report-May31_23.pdf (498.86 KB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment L-Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Review-May31_23.pdf (165.5 KB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment B-Design Drawings-May31_23.pdf (17.32 MB)
GWNT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment D-Environmental Monitoring Plan-May31_23.pdf (15.63 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment E-Erosion and Sediment Control Plan-May31_23.pdf (3.54 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment F-Spill Contingency Plan-May31_23.pdf (4.37 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Attachment J-Phase II and III ESA 2007-May31_23.pdf (14.67 MB)
Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage- Notification of Application Inuvik Drum - Jun22_23.pdf (920.62 KB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Application Review Comments – Sep12_23.pdf (6.25 MB)
GNWT INF-Inuvik Airport Drainage-Draft WL Review Comments – Sep12_23.pdf (31.59 KB)
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
GNWT INF - Inuvik Airport Drainage - Preliminary Screening Report - Sep12_23.pdf (784.67 KB)