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Mantle Minerals Inc. - MV2001C0046

Intertech is seeking a new land use permit to allow for extensions of the summer exploration campaign past the expiry date.  


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1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances
Final Plan and Clearance
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
MV2001C0046 - Final Clearance - Dec17-09.pdf (221.69 KB)
MV2001C0046 - Staff Report - Dec17-09.pdf (103.37 KB)
MV2001C0046 - Final Plan Confirmation - INAC - Oct21-09.pdf (45.52 KB)
MV01C46 Final Plan Oct13-08.pdf (1008.51 KB)
MV2001C0046 - Final Plan - Sep16-08.pdf (2.95 MB)
MV01C46 Final Plan Request Feb.22-08.pdf (142.46 KB)