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Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. - W2016D0003

This Permit entitles Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. to conduct the following activities to support the Sable Development:a) extraction of waste rock and kimberlite ore from the Sable Pit;b) construction of waste rock storage areas;c) construction of a kimberlite ore storage pad;d) construction activities associated with water sedimentation pond and water containment dam;e) construction of site roads and lay down areas;f) construction and operation of supporting infrastructure;g) storage of fuels;h) use of machinery and equipment to support operations; andi) establishment of temporary camp.
This Permit is for the Sable Development located at Ursula Lake, NT.

Board approved closure of this file on October 13, 2023.


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2. Initial/Renewal Application
Preliminary Screening
Document Received/Sent Uploaded
Ekati - Sable Development - Preliminary Screening - Temporary Camp - May 13_16.pdf (539.53 KB)