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Out for Review: Draft Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program
The Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley (Mackenzie Valley, Sahtu, Gwich’in, and Wek’eezhii) in collaboration with the Government of the Northwest Territories – Environment and Natural Resources (GNWT-ENR) and the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB) have drafted Guidelines for Aquatic Effects Monitoring Programs.
GNWT/INAC/MVLWB Release: Guidelines for Closure and Reclamation Cost Estimates for Mines
Please be advised that the new Guidelines for Closure and Reclamation Cost Estimates for Mines is now available for staff and public use.
These Guidelines will outline the process for setting security and the expectations of proponents when submitting closure cost estimates.
GNWT/INAC/MVLWB Release: Guidelines for Closure and Reclamation Cost Estimates for Mines
Please be advised that the new Guidelines for Closure and Reclamation Cost Estimates for Mines is now available for staff and public use.
These Guidelines will outline the process for setting security and the expectations of proponents when submitting closure cost estimates.
February 2018: Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act Workshop
WHEN: Tuesday & Wednesday, February 13-14, 2018
WHAT: A workshop on follow-up, monitoring, and compliance of development projects in the Mackenzie Valley.
WHERE: Explorer Hotel, Yellowknife, NT.
GNWT & MVLWB Release: Guideline for Effluent Mixing Zones
Please be advised that the final version of the Guideline for Effluent Mixing Zones is now available for staff and public use.
This updated Guideline will improve clarity for applicants and other parties with respect to water licensing decisions related to effluent discharge and the use of mixing zones.
The Guideline is posted on the Policies and Guidelines page (within “Resources” menu item) and is available for download.
Regulatory Manager Position: MVLWB
Career Opportunity - Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
Job Title: Regulatory Manager
Location: Yellowknife, NT
Term/Remuneration: Full-time, permanent position (term position may be considered)
Application Deadline: September 29, 2017
Employment Opportunity: Regulatory Specialist, WLWB
The Wek’èezhìi Land and Water Board is seeking an energetic and highly organized individual to conduct reviews and assessments of major applications for land and water use in the Wek’èezhìi Region. This challenging opportunity includes a competitive compensation and benefits package. Interested candidates are invited to apply in confidence by September 15, 2017.
Please refer to the job posting attached for further details.
Resource Co-Management Workshop Reports
In January and February 2017, the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board, Sahtu Land and Water Board, Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, and Government of the Northwest Territories hosted plain language workshops for resource management practitioners with an emphasis on how to participate meaningfully in resource co‐management processes.
FINAL REPORT: February 7-8, 2017
Resource Co-Management Workshop Reports
The regulatory boards of the NWT annually hosts EIA Practitioners workshops where participants examine the different aspects of the EIA process and identify current challenges and potential solutions to how environmental impact assessment is done in the Mackenzie Valley.
The Land and Water Board’s Online Registry is back online. We thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue. Please continue to send feedback on our updated registry to Ryan Fequet.
Updated: 05/05/2017
MVLWB Water Licences: Municipal Compliance and Cooperation
The Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley are responsible for issuing water licences to community governments as required by the Waters Act. However, the responsibility of ensuring and monitoring compliance is shared with the various departments of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT).
In May 2016, the Boards requested collaboration with the GNWT to improve water licence (WL) compliancy and the effectiveness of the current licencing process.
Technical Session: Town of Inuvik Municipal Water Licence
At the request of the Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board, the Gwich’in Land and Water Board will be facilitating a Technical Session to address concerns brought forward during the review of the Town of Inuvik’s Municipal Water Licence renewal application (G17L3-001). The meeting will be held on April 27th 2017, beginning at 9:30 am. The four topics identified for follow up include:
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Engineering and Scientific Support Services
The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB), Sahtu Land and Water Board (SLWB), Gwich’in Land and Water Board (GLWB), and Wek’eezhii Land and Water Board (WLWB) are requesting a statement of qualifications from contractors to supply engineering and scientific support services on an as-and-when needed basis.
Statement of Qualifications
Updated Online Registry
The Land and Water Boards have launched our updated Online Registry. We are making every effort to avoid interruption in our service, and do recognize there are issues to address. Please send any feedback to Ryan Fequet. We appreciate your patience during the transition.
Issued: 30/01/2017
Upcoming SLWB Resource Management Workshop in Norman Wells
Registration for the Norman Wells Resource Co-Management Workshop (February 7-8, 2017) is now open!
WHEN: Tuesday, February 7th – Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 (8am – 4:30)
WHERE: Norman Wells
Registration closes January 20th 2017.
Resource Co-Management Workshop
Registration for the Hay River Resource Co-Management Workshop (January 25-26, 2017) is now closed. Thank you for participation.
Please note that once the maximum number of participants has been reached, names will be added to a waiting list. Registration closes Friday, January 13, 2017.
Ekati Jay Project Public Hearing
The Public Hearing for the Water Licence Application W2013L2-0002 and Land Use Permit Application W2013D0007 for the Dominion Diamonds Ekati Corporation (DDEC) Ekati Jay Project will be held from Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 to Thursday, December 15th, 2016 from 8:30 am - 5:00pm at the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife.
Municipal Water Licence Compliance: Letter to the Ministers
The Boards are responsible for issuing water licences to community governments as required by the Waters Act. However, the responsibility of ensuring and monitoring compliance is shared with the various departments of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT). In May 2016, the Boards requested collaboration with the GNWT to improve water licence (WL) compliancy and the effectiveness of the current licencing process.
Pan-Territorial Assessment and Regulatory Boards Forum
The Forum was established to enable representatives from the regulatory and environmental assessment boards based in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon to share best practices, explore common challenges, and discuss potential solutions.
Canada Post Work Stoppage
Due to the potential work stoppage by Canada Post, if you intend to submit or have submitted an application and/or other documentation to the Board during this period, please contact our office to confirm receipt and/or inquire about an alternative method for submission.
Public Review: Draft Guideline for Geographic Information System (GIS) Submission Standard
The Land and Water Boards of Mackenzie Valley have developed the attached Draft Guideline for Geographic Information System (GIS) Submission Standard for public comment. The draft Guideline describes the Boards’ expectations for GIS associated submissions including project location description, maps, GIS data, and metadata.
Update: MVRMA Workshop 2016 - Presentations and Summary Report Available!
The Land and Water Boards would like to thank everyone who participated in the MVRMA Workshop in January. We are happy to announce that both the presentations and the summary report are now available. Check them out in the links below:
Summary Report *NEW*