Public Registry - Advanced Search
Primary tabs
- --Activity--
- Agricultural (332)
- Airstrips (96)
- Camp (1514)
- Communication Sites (299)
- Conservation (1)
- Fuel Storage (447)
- Geotechnical (1298)
- Industrial (7409)
- Mining and Milling (21811)
- Mining Exploration (11827)
- Mining Exploration - Mine Shaft (2429)
- Miscellaneous (21793)
- Municipal (7109)
- Oil and Gas (5563)
- Pipeline (1184)
- Power (3511)
- Powerlines (85)
- Quarrying (5478)
- Recreational (72)
- Research Projects (64)
- Road Private (3225)
- Road Public (2135)
- Seismic (956)
- Staging Area (740)
- Wood Ops (935)
- --Company--
- (NONE) (1)
- 92 Resources Corp. (21)
- 4708 NWT Limited - Jimmy Kong (7)
- 507140 N.W.T. Ltd. (GoldMining Inc.) (262)
- Aboriginal Engineering Ltd. (42)
- Adamera Minerals Ltd. (77)
- ADK Holdings Ltd. 943637 NWT Ltd. (22)
- Alberta Star Development Corporation (173)
- Albert Norwegian (16)
- Alex Debogorski (42)
- Alex MacNeil (1)
- Allen Services and Contracting Ltd. (67)
- Allyn Resources Inc. (52)
- Anadarko Canada Corporation (97)
- Andesite Capital LLC (43)
- Andre Boulanger (14)
- Anglo American Exploration (Canada) Ltd. (107)
- Anglo Swiss Resources Inc (43)
- Apache Canada Ltd. (282)
- Arcan Construction Ltd. (11)
- Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited (88)
- Arcis Partnership c/o Impact 2000 Inc. (2)
- Arctic Canadian Diamond Company Ltd. (2875)
- Arctic Environmental Ltd (13)
- Arctic Holdings and Leasing Ltd. (23)
- Arctic Kingdom Wilderness Lodge Holdings Inc. (193)
- Arctic Star Diamond Corporation (44)
- Arctic Star Exploration Corp. (103)
- Arctic Tire (1980) Ltd. (75)
- ArctiGas Resources Corp. (3)
- Arnys Construction Ltd. (34)
- Ashton Mining (Northwest Territories) Ltd. (29)
- Associated Environmental Consultants Inc. (3)
- ATW Resources Ltd. (128)
- Aurora Research Institute (16)
- Aurora Resources Inc. (42)
- Aurora Village (10)
- Aurora World Corporation (10)
- Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (405)
- Avalon Ventures Ltd. (129)
- Bathurst Inlet Development Ltd. (305)
- Bayswater Uranium Corporation (38)
- Beamish Enterprises (22)
- Beaver Enterprises Ltd. (111)
- Behdzi Ahda First Nation (26)
- Benton Resources Inc. (formerly Platinum Group Metals) (57)
- Bertha Harman (32)
- Berthiaume Arboriculture Ltd. (18)
- Berton Construction & Rentals (79)
- BFR Copper & Gold Inc. (74)
- BG International Limited (109)
- BHP Billiton Canada Inc. (1369)
- BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc. (136)
- Bill Norn (53)
- Black Mountain Realty Incorporated (26)
- Blackstone Dev. Corp. (1)
- BNT Gold Resources Ltd. (16)
- Bob's Welding Ltd. (226)
- Bootleg Exploration Inc. (6)
- Borderline Contracting Ltd O-A 6291 NWT Ltd (34)
- Borderline Enterprises Ltd. (31)
- Borealis GeoPower (207)
- Boxxer Gold Corp. (64)
- BP Canada Energy Company (16)
- Bruce Bourque (24)
- Bruce Gudeit (7)
- Bullmoose Mines Ltd. (59)
- Cameco (1)
- Cameo Resources Corp (52)
- Canadian Forest Oil Ltd. (166)
- Canadian Natural Resources Limited (669)
- Canadian Wildlife Service (4)
- Canadian Zinc Corporation (4026)
- CanNat Res. Inc. (55)
- Canterra Minerals Corporation (21)
- Canterra Minerals Corps-assignment from Diamondex Resources Ltd. (24)
- CANURE Limited Partnership (76)
- Cardinal Construction Ltd. (43)
- Carter Industries Ltd. (438)
- Cenovus Energy Inc. (539)
- CFB ASU Edmonton (68)
- Charlton Mining Expl Inc., for Ur-Energy Inc. (27)
- Charter Community of Deline (150)
- Charter Community of Fort Good Hope (189)
- Charter Community of Tsiigehtchic (131)
- Cherdon Enterprises Ltd. (137)
- CIRNAC-CARD (4415)
- City of Yellowknife (1372)
- CJ Contracting Ltd. (30)
- Community of Dettah (99)
- Concept Energy Services Ltd. (18)
- ConocoPhillips Canada (729)
- Conrad Plamondon (25)
- Consolidated Gold Win Ventures Inc. (1)
- Cooper Minerals Inc. (37)
- Coromandel Aurora Lodge Limited (22)
- D & E Contracting (25)
- Daazraii Investments Inc. (3)
- Daniel Beck (157)
- Darryl Pederson (3)
- DeBeers Canada Exploration Inc. (3)
- De Beers Canada Inc. (12)
- De Beers Canada Inc. - Gahcho Kue (3208)
- De Beers Canada Inc. - Snap Lake (4149)
- Délįnę Got’įnę Government (89)
- DEMCo Ltd. (53)
- Deninoo Community Council (9)
- Deninu Kue Development Corporation (50)
- Deninu Kue First Nation (5)
- Department of Fisheries and Oceans (105)
- Department of National Defence (99)
- Deton Cho Corporation (53)
- Devlan Exploration Inc. (173)
- Devon Canada Corporation (40)
- Devon Energy (1)
- Devonian Metals Inc. (83)
- Deze Energy Corporation (74)
- Diamondex Resources Ltd. (266)
- Diamonds North Resources Ltd. (name change, see Adamera Minerals Ltd.) (101)
- DIAND-GIANT (3550)
- Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc. (4418)
- Digaa Enterprises Ltd. (83)
- Dillon Consulting Ltd. (54)
- Dinjii Zhuh Trucking Ltd. (15)
- Dogrib Power Corporation (420)
- Dominion Diamond Mines ULC (1127)
- Duke Energy Gas (1)
- Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. (94)
- EBA Engineering (4)
- EFLO Energy Yukon Ltd. (24)
- EGT Northwind Ltd. (24)
- Eiffage Innovative Canada Inc. (19)
- Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. (1209)
- Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (57)
- EnCana Corporation (239)
- Enerchem International Inc. (4)
- Environment Canada (103)
- EOG Res. Canada Inc. (131)
- Equity Metals Corporation (43)
- EREX International Ltd. (282)
- Evrim Exploration Canada Corp. (46)
- ExGen Resources Inc. (75)
- Explor Data Ltd. (45)
- Explor Geophysical Ltd. (398)
- Fabrizio Berton (8)
- Field Ventures (18)
- Fireweed Metals Corp (21)
- Flash Point Facilitators (9)
- Fort Simpson Metis Nation (14)
- Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd. (145)
- Fort Smith Metis Council (11)
- Fortune Minerals Limited (923)
- Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (30)
- G&G Wood Products (27)
- G360 Institute for Groundwater Research (60)
- Garnet Resources Ltd. (27)
- Garth L. Wallbridge (7)
- GDC Civil Construction Ltd. (4)
- Gem International Resources Inc. (39)
- Geological Survey of Canada (95)
- George Stephenson (3)
- Ger-Mac Contracting Ltd. (1)
- GGL Diamond Corporation (7)
- GGL Resources Corporation (315)
- Gilbert Cazon (17)
- Glen Paul Freund (8)
- Global Geological Services Inc. (1)
- GMD Resources Corp. (23)
- GNWT-AC (Aurora Campus - Inuvik) (2)
- GNWT-AC (Thebacha Campus) (129)
- GNWT-AC (Yellowknife Campus) (61)
- GNWT-DOT (1913)
- GNWT-DOT (name change, see GNWT - Department of Infrastructure) (242)
- GNWT-ECC (827)
- GNWT-FIN (480)
- GNWT-INF (2438)
- GNWT-INF (Beaufort Delta) (1136)
- GNWT-INF (Sahtu) (2287)
- GNWT-ITI (140)
- GNWT-ITI (Gwich'in) (74)
- GNWT-MACA (93)
- GNWT-MACA (Gwich'in) (15)
- GNWT-MTS (83)
- GNWT-PWS (86)
- Golden Planet Mining Corp. (23)
- Golden Pursuit Resources Ltd. (118)
- Gold Terra Resource Corp. (332)
- Government of the Yukon (42)
- Government of Yukon - Department of Highways and Public Works (140)
- Grant Beck (17)
- Great Bear Lake Lodge (Plummers Lodges) (40)
- Great Bear Lake Lodge Ltd (66)
- Great Bear Lake Lodge Ltd. (97)
- Great Slave Helicopters (11)
- Great Slave Lake Lodge (215)
- Grey Wolf Exploration Inc (7)
- Grimshaw Trucking Ltd. (9)
- Gwich'in Development Corporation (40)
- Gwich'in Tribal Council (109)
- Hamlet of Aklavik (49)
- Hamlet of Enterprise (151)
- Hamlet of Fort Liard (359)
- Hamlet of Fort McPherson (92)
- Hamlet of Fort Providence (299)
- Hamlet of Fort Resolution (147)
- Hamlet of Tulita (152)
- Hank Lafferty (16)
- Hay River Disposals Ltd. (101)
- Hay River Metis Government Council (44)
- Heidi Hodgson (2)
- Housing Northwest Territories (14)
- HRN Contracting Ltd. (76)
- HR Racing & Mobile Mechanic Ltd. (20)
- HTX Minerals Corporation (35)
- Hunter Bay Resources (39)
- Husky Oil Operations Limited (18)
- Husky Oil Operations Ltd. (1554)
- HWY 4 Lithium Ltd. (27)
- Imperial Oil Limited (134)
- Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited (1287)
- Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. (361)
- Integral Metals Corp. (41)
- International Frontier Resources Ltd. (44)
- International Logistical Support Inc. (ILS) (16)
- International Samuel Exploration Inc (21)
- Iteration Energy Ltd. (110)
- James Marlowe (16)
- Jayhawk Frontier Exploration Ltd. (25)
- Jayhawk Sand Resources Inc. (34)
- JD Contracting (19)
- Jean Marie River First Nation (78)
- Jeff Griffiths (3)
- JMR Log Homes (57)
- John Bjornson Construction Ltd. (40)
- John Jerome (3)
- Joint Ventures Management Committee (223)
- Jozef Carnogursky (11)
- JR Enterprises (24)
- K & D Contracting (19)
- Ka'a' Gee Tu First Nation (54)
- Katlodeeche First Nation (188)
- KBL Environmental Ltd. (350)
- Kennady Diamonds (518)
- Kennecott Canada Exploration Ltd. (1)
- Kenneth Hudson (31)
- Kerry Smith (121)
- Kevin Rattray and Jennifer Waugh (20)
- Kodiak Petroleum ULC (222)
- L.J.'s Septic Services & Contracting Ltd. (78)
- Lane Dewar (27)
- Laughing Lichen Wildcrafted Herbs and Tea (27)
- Leni F. Keough c/o J. Lind (15)
- Les Norn Contracting Ltd. (88)
- Lindberg Landing (24)
- Lloyd Jones (60)
- Locust Mowing (137)
- Lone Pine Resources Canada Ltd. (29)
- LTS Infrastructure Services Limited Partnership (32)
- Lupin Mines Inc. (20)
- Lutsel K'e Dene Lodges General Partner Inc. (23)
- Lutsel Ke Dene Band (135)
- Mackenzie Delta Gas Producers (1)
- Mackenzie Valley Construction Ltd. (25)
- Mackenzie Valley Environmental Contractors Ltd. (32)
- Majescor Resources Inc (109)
- Mantle Diamonds Canada Inc. (256)
- Mantle Minerals Inc. (6)
- Margaret Lake Diamonds Inc. (43)
- Marigold Minerals (Ontario) Inc. (18)
- Mark LeBlanc (16)
- Mary King and Ron McBryan (21)
- MATCO Transportation Co. Ltd. (11)
- MERC International Minerals Inc. (name changed, see Nighthawk Gold Corp.) (136)
- MGM Energy (1463)
- Midnight Petroleum (20)
- Mike Magrum (83)
- Mike Murphy (20)
- Miramar Giant Mines Ltd. (655)
- Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. (1647)
- MMG Resources Inc. (25)
- MYB Construction Ltd. (5)
- NA (31)
- Nahanni Construction Ltd. (87)
- Namushka Lodge (1982) (19)
- Natural Resources Canada (75)
- Ndeh Nezu Ketsendih (3)
- New Discovery Mines Ltd. (183)
- New Nadina Explorations Limited (name changed, see Equity Metals Corporation) (163)
- Nighthawk Gold Corp. (876)
- Nihtat Corporation (16)
- Nihtat Gwich'in Council (3)
- Nishi-Khon Freeway Inc. (78)
- Nogha Enterprises Ltd. (173)
- Nor-West Rotors Ltd. (108)
- Norman Dievert (20)
- Norn Contracting (3)
- Norse Gold (24)
- North-Wright Air (17)
- North American Gem Inc. (6)
- North American General Resources Corporation (3)
- North American Tungsten (3154)
- North Arrow Minerals Inc. (241)
- Northern Critical Minerals Corp. (formerly Voyageur Exploration Ltd.) (32)
- Northern Lights Resources Corp. (1)
- Northern Quality Control (20)
- Northern Transportation Co. Ltd. (29)
- Northland Utilities (2)
- NorthwesTel Inc. (301)
- Northwest Territories Geological Survey (54)
- Northwest Territories Geoscience Office (48)
- Northwest Territories Power Corporation (3970)
- Northwind Industries Ltd. (63)
- Norwestfor (29)
- Nuna Logistics Ltd. (63)
- Nuni (Yi) Development Corporation (24)
- NWT Energy Corporation (03) Ltd. (93)
- NWT Rare Earths Ltd. (468)
- Obsidian Energy Ltd. (48)
- Paramount Resources Ltd. (3185)
- Parks Canada (17)
- Parsons Inc (172)
- Patrician Diamonds Inc. (28)
- Patterson Sawmill Ltd. (229)
- Paul Bros Welding (19)
- Paul Christofferson & Yvette Schredder (18)
- Pehdzeh Ki Contractors Ltd. (5)
- Penhdzeh Ki First Nation Non-Profit Society (17)
- Penn West Petroleum Ltd. (28)
- Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. (455)
- Petro-Canada (14)
- Phelps Dodge Corporation of Canada (35)
- Pine Point Holding Corporation (330)
- Pine Point Mining Limited (661)
- Pine Valley Mining Corporation (16)
- Platinum Group Metals (102)
- Porcupine Enterprises (3)
- Prairie Provident Resources Canada Ltd. (130)
- Prestige Lithium Inc. (42)
- ProCore Drilling Ltd. (66)
- Prodigy Gold Inc. (60)
- Public Services and Procurement Canada (25)
- Purcell Energy Ltd. (28)
- Pure Gold Minerals Inc. (36)
- Queen's University (18)
- Rabescas Resources Ltd. (28)
- Rackla Metals Inc. (14)
- Raine Trucking Ltd. (38)
- Ranger Oil Limited (28)
- Rat River Development Corporation (6)
- Raymond Tourangeau (15)
- Rebecca Aylward (28)
- Rebecca Broderick (12)
- Redbed Resources Corp. (137)
- Reliable Group of Companies (20)
- RGV Lithium Explorations Inc. (19)
- Rhonda Corporation (22)
- Richie Excavation (1)
- Robert Carroll (3)
- Robert Redshaw (20)
- Rover Metals Corp. (96)
- Rowes Construction (862)
- Royal Oak Mines Inc. (137)
- RTL - Robinson Enterprises Ltd. (469)
- Ruskin Construction Ltd. (41)
- Sambaa Ke Development Corporation Ltd. (42)
- Sambaa Ke First Nation (101)
- Sanatana Diamonds Inc. (52)
- Sands Enterprises (63)
- Seabridge Gold (NWT) Inc. (540)
- Selwyn Chihong Mining Ltd. (495)
- Series Consultants Ltd. (1)
- Shamrock Tomahawk Ltd (17)
- Shear Diamonds Ltd. (103)
- Shear Minerals Ltd. (43)
- Shell Canada Limited (41)
- Silver Bear Mines Inc. (122)
- Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. (274)
- Slave Lake Diamond Corporation (18)
- Slave Lake Zinc (70)
- Smith Landing Development Corp. (39)
- SNC-Lavalin Inc. (50)
- SNC-Lavalin Inc. Environment and Water (12)
- SnowField Development Corp. (212)
- Snowshoe Inn (NWT) Ltd. (3)
- Solid Resources Ltd. (12)
- Solitaire Minerals Corp. (1)
- SouthernEra Diamonds Inc. (111)
- South Nahanni Outfitters Ltd. (102)
- Standard Mining Corporation (25)
- Stan Dean & Sons (89)
- Stornoway Diamond Corporation (59)
- Strategic Metals Ltd. (6)
- Strategic Oil and Gas Ltd. (2712)
- StrategX Elements Corp. (15)
- Strongbow Exploration Inc. (199)
- Suncor Energy -assigned from Petro-Canada (77)
- Suncor Energy Inc. (246)
- Suncor Energy Products Partnership (30)
- Talisman Energy Inc. (28)
- Tamerlane Ventures Inc. (186)
- TDC Contracting Ltd. (35)
- Teck Metals Ltd. (297)
- TerraLogic (Formerly Bootleg Exploration) (27)
- Terra Verra Company (6)
- Tetlit Gwich'in Council (12)
- Tetlit Zheh Trucking Ltd. (4)
- Timberworks Inc. (68)
- Tlicho Community Government of Behchoko (611)
- Tlicho Community Government of Gameti (250)
- Tlicho Community Government of Wekweeti (286)
- Tlicho Community Government of Whati (269)
- Tlicho Government (48)
- Tli Cho Landtran Transport Ltd. (138)
- TNR Gold Corp (70)
- Tom Wright (4)
- Town of Fort Smith (447)
- Town of Hay River (865)
- Town of Inuvik (183)
- Town of Norman Wells (160)
- Trace Explorations Ltd. (1)
- Trade Show Direct Ltd. (135)
- Trans North Helicopters (20)
- Transport Canada (178)
- Trappers Trucking Ltd. (63)
- Triex Minerals Corporation (1)
- Trinex Lithium Ltd. (60)
- True North Safaris Ltd. (267)
- Twenty-Seven Capital Corp (9)
- Tyhee NWT Corp (525)
- Ur-Energy Inc. (24)
- Uravan Minerals Inc. (102)
- Valard Construction (Telecom Division) (29)
- Vanadium North Resources Inc. (27)
- Viking Gold Exploration Inc. (116)
- Village of Fort Simpson (308)
- Vince Jones (1)
- W. Burrill & Sons Ltd. (57)
- W.R. McBryan (7)
- Waakwa Development Corporation Ltd. (16)
- Walt Humphries (27)
- War Eagle Mining Company Inc. (67)
- Weledeh Building Society (51)
- WERI c/o Dennis Antony (32)
- West Coast Capital Corporation (7)
- WestCoast Energy Inc. (301)
- West End Enterprises (119)
- Western Geco Canada Ltd. (1)
- Westhaven Ventures Inc. (40)
- WestKam Gold Corp (17)
- West Point First Nation (38)
- White Cliff Minerals (18)
- WML Exploration BC Ltd. (78)
- WOOD - Environment and Infrastructure Solutions (17)
- WPC Resources Inc. (4)
- Wyn Developments Inc. (28)
- Yellowknife Condominium Services Ltd. (17)
- Yellowknife Direct Charge Co-Op (21)
- Yellowknives Dene First Nation - Dettah (66)
- --Document Type--
- 1. Permit - Licence - Other Issuances (15573)
- 2. Initial/Renewal Application (33805)
- 3. Amendment Application (4437)
- 4. Permit Extension Request (1969)
- 5. Reports and Studies (26670)
- 6. Management Plans (9716)
- 7. Monitoring Programs (2852)
- 8. Closure and Reclamation (3280)
- 9. GIS Data (350)
- --Location--
- #7 Junction (4)
- (Thetis and Roundrock Lakes) (14)
- 1.5 KM SE of the Hamlet of Ft Liard (104)
- 2 KM North of Ft Resolution (4)
- 2A-03 (20)
- 2H-03 Well site (53)
- 3 Km North of Km 29 on Ingraham Trail (26)
- 3.5 km NE of Yellowknife- Deton'Cho Training Center (20)
- 3.5 Km SW of Trout Lake (22)
- 3P-66B Well site (31)
- 4 Fir Cresent - Hay River (28)
- 5 Sumps-K'asho Gotine district (14)
- 6 Km from Jean Marie River (22)
- 7 KM Northwest of Yellowknife (43)
- 7 km south of Bennett Field airstrip and Great Bear River (11)
- 9 kilometres east of Fort Simpson (197)
- 9 kilometres east of the Fort Simpson (198)
- 9 Km South of Hay River (32)
- 11 km North of Dettah - Mona Claims area (40)
- 11km NE of Snowbird Lake (78)
- 13 kilometers south of Colville Lake (40)
- 13 kilometres south of Colville Lake (42)
- 14 km North of Fort Simpson (47)
- 17 km from Gahcho Kue (43)
- 30km southeast of (DO-27) (116)
- 31.6KM (43)
- 31.6km (24)
- 40 km. NE of (15)
- 40km North of Gahcho Kue Mine (25)
- 50 km North of Yellowknife (85)
- 50 km NW of Fort Simpson (19)
- 50km NW of Fort Simpson (38)
- 55 km SW of Fort Simpson (59)
- 63 25.3'N and 116 13.2'W (166)
- 63°26’11.40”N, 116°11’15.28”W (25)
- 64 19'00" N lat. - 109 48'00" W long., NTS sheet 76C/05 (45)
- 65 01' 22"N, 111 01' 27"W (48)
- 68N, 133W (14)
- 70 Km's southeast of Inuvik (3)
- 70km SE of Deline (86)
- 75 km east of Tsiigehtchic on the south bank of the Mackenzie River. (3)
- 80 Km East of Yellowknife at Quest Lake (4)
- 115 Km East-Southeast of Yellowknife (70)
- 140 Bristol Avenue (19)
- 145 Sibbeston Road, Hay River, NT X0E 0R7 (77)
- 188 km (41)
- 220 km NE of Yellowknife (285)
- 240m south of Kakisa Access Road (25)
- 265 McDougal Road (18)
- 278 km (77)
- 510km SW of YK (42)
- A-77 Wellsite, Netla Region (20)
- A04 Wellsite (39)
- Access Road - Km. 2 (10)
- Access Road - Km 2.0 (4)
- access road and barge landing (15)
- Access road begins near eight mile and continues directly south to the NT/YT border. (3)
- Access Routes, Camps Airstrips (13)
- Across from Km 251.2 rock quarry on Gwich'in private land parcel 3. (6)
- adjacent to Grand Detour Road (7)
- Afridi Lake (38)
- airport (32)
- Air Tanker Base and Helibase (31)
- Aklavik Town Boundaries (37)
- Approx. 10 km NE of intersection of Hwy 7 & Hamlet of Fort Liard Road, on E side of Hwy 7. (34)
- Approximately 40 kilometres south-southeast of Norman Wells, NT (244)
- Approximately 40km SSE of the Town of Norman Wells (178)
- Arrowhead (10)
- Arrowhead Region (32)
- ATW Property (52)
- Aurora Village site (4)
- B-06 Wellsite, Netla Region (8)
- B-10 (6)
- B-20, L-52 (34)
- B-20, L-52 North Haywood - 120km ssw of the Hamlet of Tulita (52)
- B-41 (4)
- B-41 - existing access (24)
- Backbone Range of the Mackenzie Mountains (46)
- Baker Creek and Trapper Creek (28)
- Banting Lake (22)
- Bear Rock (11)
- Beaulieu River area (96)
- Begadeh J-66, 40km SE of Tulita (36)
- Behchoko and Gameti's Sewage Lagoon and Community Landfill (27)
- Belot Creek (25)
- Between Ingraham Trail bypass route and Ski Club (20)
- Bid Parcel 2-surveying (1)
- Big Rock along the Mackenzie River (4)
- Big Sky Property (30)
- Big Smith Creek (61)
- Billy Creek km 1033.4 (37)
- Birch Creek (29)
- Birch Lake, Mackenzie Hwy, Mosquito Lake, Behchoko, Edzo (57)
- Blachford Lake Lodge (77)
- Blackford Lake Lodge (50)
- Blackstone River Area (1)
- Blackwater River Bridge 90 Km North of Wrigley NT (46)
- Bluefhish Hydro (45)
- Blue Fish-K'asho Gotine District (1)
- Bluefish Dam (190)
- Blue Fish Hydro (35)
- Bluefish Hydro (8)
- Bluefish Hydro, Prosperous Lake (29)
- Bluefish Hydroelectric Station, Slew Shark Alley (31)
- Bluefish Lake (412)
- Bluefish Power (241)
- Bluefish Power Generation Facility (73)
- Bob Camp (7)
- Bob Lake to Kelvin-Faraday Corridor (228)
- Bobs Canyon and Strawberry Creek (35)
- Boomerang Lake NE - Camp (12)
- Boot Lake creek (1)
- Buck Storr Site (22)
- Bullmoose Lake (34)
- Bullmoose Lake, NT (25)
- Burnt Lake (1)
- bypass road (3)
- C-02 (25)
- C-16 and B18 Wellsites (25)
- C-19 (20)
- C-31 (5)
- C-36 (41)
- C-74 (17)
- Cameron Falls Trail Parking Lot (21)
- Cameron Hills (978)
- Cameron Hills Wellsite B-11 (81)
- Camsell Bend (16)
- Canol Trail (57)
- Canot Lake (1)
- Cantung Mine (2117)
- Cantung mine Site (511)
- Cantung Mine Site (65)
- CanTung Mine Site (55)
- Cassidy Point (4)
- Celibeta Project Area (142)
- Central (44)
- Charter community of Tsiigehtchic (14)
- Checkpoint, NT (85)
- Checkpoint Maintenance Camp (38)
- Check point Maintenance Facility (47)
- Checkpoint NT (65)
- Christina Creek km 1001.7 (45)
- City of Yellowknife (19)
- Claim Block (129)
- Clan Lake (94)
- Clan Lake, NWT (55)
- CLOSED (1)
- Coates Lake (37)
- Colville Hills (34)
- Colville Hills- K'asho Got'ine District (25)
- Colville Lake (45)
- Colville Lake-between Lac Belot and Lac Des Bois (28)
- Colville Lake area (82)
- Colville Lake Area (1)
- Colville Lake area - K'asho Gotine District (13)
- Colville Lake P-27 (104)
- Community of Dettah (99)
- confluence of Mackenzie River & (15)
- Con Mine (1647)
- Contact Lake- Deline District (37)
- Contact Lake Property- Deline District (37)
- Contwoyto Winter Road (33)
- Courageous Lake (277)
- Courageous Lake and Starfish Lake (88)
- Cris Claim (20)
- D-39 (23)
- D-73 (13)
- D-74 (12)
- D-79 (19)
- Damoti Lake (109)
- Daring Lake-Yamba Lake (96)
- Dease Arm of Great Bear Lake (17)
- Dease Arm of Great Bear Lake - Deline District (40)
- Define District (1)
- Define District-surveying (1)
- Deline (150)
- Deline District (41)
- Deline District-surveying (1)
- Dempster Highway #8 (14)
- Dempster Highway, km71 (2)
- Denise Creek km 1124 (36)
- Deposit 15 (15km south) (30)
- Deposit HR34-5 (46)
- Dessert Lake, NT (107)
- Destaffany Lake, NT (57)
- Dettah and Ndilo (51)
- Diane & Lou Lake (104)
- Diavik (2047)
- Discovery and Nicholas Lale (44)
- Discovery Mine (58)
- Dolye Lake - 250 Km North East of Yellowknife (51)
- Dome Lake and Various (52)
- Donnelly River km 1118.4 (49)
- Drybones Bay (42)
- Duhamel Lake (16)
- E-52 Well site (44)
- E-72 (19)
- E-73 Well site (77)
- E-74 (20)
- East (38)
- East Arm (37)
- East Mackay (150)
- East Slope of Cameron Hills (31)
- EKATI (181)
- Ekati (72)
- Ekati Diamond Mine (1493)
- Ekati Diamond Mine Claim Block (83)
- Ekati Jay Early Works Watercourse Crossing (30)
- Ekati Mine (555)
- Ekati Minesite (296)
- EL 462 and EL 463 (78)
- EL 463 and EL 462 (98)
- EL 494 (98)
- Elliot Creek km1072.4 (52)
- Enterprise, Ft Providence, Ft Resolution, Kakisa (25)
- F-11 (19)
- F-72 (11)
- F-77 (21)
- F25A (28)
- FGH-Colville Winter Road (9)
- Fishback project (47)
- Flett Rapids I-61 (9)
- Forest Management Area - NWT Highway 1 (57)
- Former Fort Reliance, NT Weather Station (67)
- Former Pointed Mountain Plant Site - Well site P-24 (19)
- Former Shell Agency Bulk Plant (36)
- Former Shell Sgency Facility (40)
- Fort Good Hope (2)
- Fort Liard (39)
- Fort Liard area (159)
- Fort Liard Barge Landing site (24)
- Fort Liard Basin (60)
- Fort Liard East (125)
- Fort Liard Highway (No. 7) (29)
- Fort Liard West (124)
- Fort McPherson (75)
- Fort McPherson - Deep Water Lake (4)
- Fort McPherson to NWT/Yukon border (4)
- Fort Providence (62)
- Fort Providence, NT (11)
- Fort Reliance (18)
- Fort Resolution (6)
- Fort Resolution FMA (51)
- Fort SMith (37)
- Fort Smith (25)
- Four Mile Creek km 932.2 (31)
- Foxhole Road and Grand Detour Road (52)
- Fox Lake (16)
- Francis Creek km 1005 (49)
- Francois Lake (8)
- Frobisher Gas Wells (77)
- Frog creek, km 126 (21)
- Frogt Creek - km 126 (15)
- Fry Inlet (43)
- Ft. Good Hope (68)
- G-21 Wellsite (70)
- G-72 (19)
- G-74 (25)
- Gahcho Kue Mine (41)
- Gameti (146)
- Gameti, NT (47)
- Gameti to Port Radium (8)
- Gameti Winter Road Junction to Community of Wekweeti (164)
- Giant Mine (2600)
- Giant Mine Site (730)
- Gibson Creek North km 1088.5 (50)
- Gibson Creek South km 1088.1 (50)
- Glowworm Lake (41)
- Goodwin Lake (41)
- Goose Egg Lake (18)
- Gordon Lake (373)
- Gordon Lake property (46)
- Grand Detour road (18)
- Grandview (1)
- Grandview Area-K'asho Gotine District (110)
- Grandview Hills Area (21)
- Great Bear Lake (144)
- Great Bear Plains - Deline District (28)
- Great Bear River, Tulita (39)
- Great Bear River-Bridge Installation (36)
- H-02 (19)
- H-04 (13)
- H-72 (19)
- H-72 Well site (46)
- H04 (9)
- Hamlet of Enterprise (85)
- Hamlet of Enterprise, NT (55)
- Hamlet of fort Liard (202)
- Hamlet of Fort Providence (178)
- Hamlet of Fort Resolution (170)
- Hamlet ofWrigley (22)
- Hamlet of Wrigley (17)
- Hanna River km 1084.4 (24)
- Hay River (157)
- Hay River Dene Reserve (23)
- Hay River Ski Club (23)
- Hellava Creek km 1002.7 (52)
- Hepburn Lake (96)
- Hidden Lake (83)
- Highay 5, Km 16 (26)
- Highpoint Hill (93)
- Highway #5 - km 0-226 (40)
- Highway #5, km 7.9 (32)
- Highway #6, KM 19.5 and 20 (20)
- Highway #6, KM 62 (24)
- highway 1 - km 136.1 (15)
- Highway 1, 14 Km North of Fort Simpson (14)
- Highway 1, km 1, 16, 21 and 23 (21)
- Highway 1, Km 100 (35)
- Highway 1, Km 188.9 (42)
- highway 1, KM 518 (26)
- Highway 1, Km 521 (49)
- Highway 3 and 4, km 200 to Km 338 (118)
- Highway 3, Bridge Construction Site (32)
- Highway 3, Km 70.6 (35)
- Highway 3, Milemarker 323 North (7)
- Highway 3, Deh Cho Boulevard Intersection (30)
- Highway 4 (95)
- Highway 4 - Yellowknife (27)
- Highway 4, KM 30 (14)
- Highway 5, Km 5.4 Sandpit (33)
- Highway 5, km7.9, km21 and km34. (8)
- Highway 5, KM 17.3 (62)
- Highway 5, KM 33.7 (25)
- Highway 5, KM 34.1 (36)
- Highway 5, KM 41.5 (35)
- Highway 5, km 44.5 (46)
- highway 5, Km 44.5 (42)
- Highway 5, KM 44.5 (39)
- Highway 5, Km 44.5 (37)
- Highway 5, Km 232 (38)
- Highway 5, Km 233 (43)
- Highway 5, Mile 21 (45)
- Highway 6, Km 0-90 (43)
- Highway 6, KM 7.8 (41)
- Highway 7, Km 160 (3)
- Highway No. 3 from KM 196 to Whati, NT (262)
- Highway No. 3 to Whati, NT (382)
- Hislop and Lou Lake area, NT (44)
- Hodgson Creek (35)
- Hoosier Ridge/Devo Creek (69)
- Hoosier Ridge/Devo Creek P-27 (62)
- Howard's Pass (184)
- Howard's Pass Area (35)
- Howards Pass - Yukon-NWT Border (34)
- Hwy #1, km 2.9 (51)
- Hwy #1, km 41.1 (50)
- Hwy #1, km 77.0 (48)
- Hwy #1, km 180.1 (51)
- Hwy #2, Km 11.2 (25)
- hwy #3 km 200-338.8 and #4 (128)
- Hwy #3, Km 70.6 (31)
- Hwy #5, KM 44.5 (44)
- hwy 1 - km521 (41)
- Hwy 1, Km 100 (22)
- hwy2 and 5 (11)
- Hwy 5, Km 5.4 (38)
- I-02 (21)
- I-75, Arrowhead Hills (13)
- I-76 Wellsite, West Bovie (8)
- In-town Pit (4)
- Indin Lake (3)
- Industrial Park (11)
- Ingraham Trail to Giauque Lake and various spur roads (49)
- Ingraham Trail to Glauque, Gordon Lake to Nicholas Lake and Alternates (15)
- Inuvik (57)
- Inuvik area facility site & access road off Dempster Hwy to IAF (2)
- Inuvik Hospital (14)
- Itchen Lake, NT (25)
- Jackfish Creek km 1170.2 (9)
- Jackfish Lake (30)
- Jean Marie River (41)
- Jungle Ridge Creek km (56)
- K'asho Gotine District (133)
- K'asho Gotine District- surveying (2)
- K-29 Gas Well (43)
- K-35 Wellsite, Arrowhead Hills (13)
- K-73 (22)
- Kakisa River Bridge (40)
- Kataneelee Field (43)
- Keele River (39)
- Keele River-Tulita District (89)
- Kelly Lake-Tulita District (38)
- Kelsey Property - Walmsley Lake (6)
- Kennady Lake (149)
- Kennady North Property (70)
- Kilekale Lake-Deline District (18)
- Kilometre 12 (31)
- kilometre 191 (88)
- Km. 41.5 (18)
- km. 518 (23)
- km 0 - 278 (62)
- KM 0 to KM 90 (67)
- Km 0 to KM 266 (50)
- km 0-124 Highway #4 (27)
- km 0-425.1 (10)
- Km 0.0 to Km. 200 (13)
- km 1 & 4, 10.5, 11.4 & 12.5 - km 1 (5)
- km3, 3.8, 4, 16, 21, 23 (7)
- km 5.4 (22)
- KM 5.5 (27)
- Km 7.9, NWT Hwy No. 5 (46)
- KM 11 on Ingraham Trail (23)
- Km 11, Ingraham Trail (19)
- km 12 (6)
- Km 12.4 (38)
- km 13.2 & 18.4 - km 13.2 (3)
- km 14 (4)
- km 14, James Creek (5)
- km 15, Dempster Highway #8 (34)
- Km 15.7 (33)
- KM 18.4-19.4, old CNR Rail Bed (4)
- km 19.4-20.2 - Old CNR rail bed (3)
- Km21 Ingraham Trail (4)
- km 21.5 to 25.5 km (18)
- KM 23 Mackenzie River (141)
- km 23.5 (55)
- km 23.9 (16)
- km 24 (13)
- KM 24.5-34 (16)
- KM 24.8 (27)
- km 24.8 (3)
- Km 24.8 on NWT Highway 5 (4)
- Km 25.6 (42)
- km 28.1 (48)
- km 28.8 Dempster Highway #8 (19)
- KM 29 on the Winter Road (145)
- Km 31.0 (40)
- km 34 (26)
- km 36.7 (2)
- km 37.2 (1)
- km 40 - Midway Lake Quarry (2)
- km 41.5 (66)
- KM 41.5, Highway 5 (34)
- km 43.2 (3)
- Km 43.5 (11)
- km 43.9 - Midway Lake Quarry (3)
- Km 44 (24)
- km 44 (5)
- Km 44.5 (71)
- km 44.5 (57)
- km 50.1 south (43)
- Km 52.7 (40)
- Km 65, Hwy 6 and Fort Resolution (3)
- Km 66 Dempster Hwy #8 (23)
- km 66, Dempster Highway # 8 (28)
- km 66.6 (2)
- Km 76, Dempster Highway #8 (12)
- km 99.7 (14)
- Km 99.7 Hwy 1 (89)
- km 106.2 East side (2)
- km 110 (2)
- km 110, Deep Water Lake (1)
- km 126 (Frog Creek Granular Pit) (4)
- km 126 - Frog Creek (5)
- km 126 Deep Water Lake & Frog Creek (3)
- km 126 Frog Creek (15)
- km 126, Frog Creek (6)
- Km 126, Frog Creek (2)
- Km 133.6, Liard Highway, NT (14)
- km 141 (5)
- km 141 Shale Pit (5)
- Km 146.8 (16)
- km 148.6 (2)
- km 169.8 - Kakisa River Crossing (33)
- KM 170.5 of Highway 3 (South of Behchoko) (73)
- KM 172 (29)
- KM 172 of Highway 3 (54)
- km 178 (27)
- Km 191.6, HWY 1 (9)
- km 200.0 to Highway #4, km 69.2 (119)
- km 206.1 (34)
- KM 209-800 and all other access roads (114)
- KM 209.4 (3)
- Km 227, Dempster Highway #8 (15)
- km 230.2 (14)
- km 230.2 shale pit (5)
- KM 233 (40)
- Km 235, Dempster Highway #8 (24)
- km 235.3 (12)
- km 236-800 (20)
- KM 240 of Highway #3 (68)
- km 240.6 (3)
- km 247, Campbell Creek (2)
- km 251.2 (36)
- km 251.2 Rock Quarry (6)
- km 271.8 - 322.5 (3)
- Km 318 (32)
- km 321-322 (1)
- km 324 (1)
- KM 414 (34)
- KM 486.1 - Highway 1 (37)
- km 488.7 (25)
- km 514.2 (8)
- km 525.4 (7)
- km 731 - White Sand Creek (8)
- Kotaneelee Barge Landing (38)
- Kotaneelee River Crossing (94)
- Kotaneelee River crossing (32)
- Kp 305 Norman Wells pipeline (40)
- KP 325 and KP 585 Campsites (27)
- L-09 (19)
- L-68 Wellsite (152)
- L-72 (19)
- L-78 (20)
- Lac Belot - Colville Lake (55)
- Lac de Gras (208)
- Lac De Gras (69)
- Lac De Gras, Mackay Lake and Courageous Lake (76)
- Lac de Gras, NT (98)
- Lac De Gras Region (54)
- Lac Des Bois (2)
- Lac Des Bois / Lac Belot - K'asho Gotine District (17)
- Lac Du Rocher (42)
- Lac du Sauvage (53)
- Lac du Sauvage, Ekati Claim Block (31)
- Lac La Martre (95)
- Lac La Martre River to Nico Lake (10)
- Lac Maunoir-Colville area (46)
- Lac Maunoir - Colville Lake (64)
- Lac Maunoir-E-35/A-67 (51)
- Lac Maunoir A-67 (60)
- Lac Maunoir C-34 (83)
- Lad du Sauvage, Ekati Claim Block (173)
- Lady Evelyn Falls (2)
- Lake Bovie (5)
- Lake Bovie North (2)
- Lake Prosperous Quarry (47)
- Lat. 64'11'50.60"N - Long. 114'14'20.12"W (41)
- Latitde 64.11.25 N Longitude 114.10.58 W (24)
- Lease #85I/2-149-10, lot 1079 - Prelude Lake East (20)
- Lease 4536, 4537 and 4538 (53)
- Leith Peninsula Project (1)
- Lena West-K'asho Gotine District (24)
- Less than 1 kilometre southeast from the Campbell Creek bridge on the abandoned CNT right of way. (3)
- Liard HWY N0. 7 KM 0 to 254.1 (75)
- Liard South (92)
- Litter Bear River Quarry (32)
- Little Bear (36)
- Little Smith Creek km 853.8 (48)
- Lou Lake and Nico Lake, NT (290)
- Lou lake and Nico Lake, NT (69)
- Lutsel K'e (27)
- Lutsel K'e Municipal WL (108)
- Lynn Creek km (34)
- Lynn Creek km 1158.2 (48)
- M-72 (49)
- M-Lakes (45)
- Mac Claims (33)
- Mackay Lake (50)
- Mackay Lake and Lockhart River (21)
- Mackay Lake Lodge (175)
- Mackenie Valley (9)
- Mackenzie Highway #1, Km 278 to 800 (121)
- Mackenzie Highway #7, Km 0-Km 254. (60)
- Mackenzie Highway KM 625 (55)
- Mackenzie River - East Branch (8)
- Mackenzie River - Fort Simpson (19)
- Mackenzie River 2D Seismic (1)
- Mackenzie River Ferry Crossing - km 142.6 Dempster Highway (48)
- Mackenzie Valley (404)
- Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Proposed Route (CNR Trail Route) (6)
- Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Route (4)
- Mac Property (6)
- Madeline Lake (20)
- Mazenod Lake, NT (57)
- McTavish Arm (1)
- McTavish Arm of Great Bear Lake (19)
- Midway Lake Pit (2)
- Mile 12 (16)
- Mile 21 (71)
- Mile 192 (14)
- Mile 527.6 Mackenzie Highway (22)
- Misery Open Pit (60)
- Mission Island (5)
- Mon Gold Mine Site (53)
- Mon Mining Lease (22)
- Mon Porperty (23)
- Morris Lake (24)
- Mosquito Gulch Property (6)
- Mud Lake Claim (13)
- Municipal (740)
- Municipality of Yellowknife (19)
- Munn Lake (33)
- Munn Lake and Back Lake (Exploration only on Back Lake) (47)
- Muskox South Property (7)
- MV Winter Rd-Hwy #1 & Colville Winter Rd. (58)
- MV Winter Rd-Hwy #1 & Deline Access Rd. (56)
- N'dukee Crossing Ferry Camp - Fort Simpson (16)
- N-06 Well site (49)
- N-06 Well Site (28)
- N-73 (25)
- N/A (396)
- NA (20024)
- Nahanni Gas Well (19)
- NE (K-36 and M-20) (6)
- NE - McKay Lakes (6)
- near Airport (16)
- Near Deline-Deline District (35)
- near Great Slave Lake Lodge (9)
- Near km.28 (16)
- Near Salt Mountain (46)
- near Salt Mountain (45)
- Nechalacho Mine Site (127)
- Nechalacho Rare Metals Property (formerly Thor Lake Area) (96)
- Nechalacho site (120)
- Negus Point (24)
- NE of Hornby Bay-Great Bear Lake (1)
- Netla - A-68 (13)
- Netla Region (14)
- Netla River (16)
- Newbigging Lake, NT (9)
- New Bigging Lake and Credit Lake Area (102)
- Nicholas Lake Project (137)
- Nico Lake, NT (99)
- NICO Lake, NT (14)
- NICO Property (107)
- NICO Property (Lou Lake) (54)
- Nogha A-25 (48)
- Nogha A-25 & A-37 (45)
- Nogharrunago Lake- Colville Lake area (69)
- Norman Wells (1107)
- Norman Wells, NT (24)
- Norman Wells Operations lease area (11)
- Norman Wells to Blackwater River (28)
- Norman Wells to NWT-Alberta Border (151)
- Norris Creek, Campbell Creek, North Caribou Lake, and Thunder River (21)
- North - N-61 (48)
- Northbelt Property (151)
- North Inca Mine Site (57)
- North of (35)
- North of Fort Simpson (39)
- North of Little Chicago (1)
- North Tunago E-44 (100)
- Notta Creek km 982.3 (45)
- NWT Sinc Recoe Project - Tulita District (55)
- O'Connor Lake (45)
- O-38 Wellsite, Arrowhead Hills (19)
- O-73 (30)
- O-80 and F-25 Gas Well (26)
- O-80 Wellsite on Leases K-29 and F-25 (4)
- Ochre River (7)
- Off the old Lac La Martre Access Road (24)
- Old access road beginning at Km 251 of the Dempster Highway. The pit is located near the north end of Campbell Lake. (3)
- old CNR Right of Way, between Km 20.2 to 20.6 (12)
- Old Discovery to Giaque Lake (3)
- Old Petro-Can. Rd- TulitalDeline Districts (34)
- Old Petro-Can. Rd29 Tulita / Deline District (37)
- Old Town (8)
- Ontaratue River (2)
- Oscar Creek km 1054.4 (42)
- Outpost Island, Blanchet Island and Copper Pass (109)
- P-02 (19)
- P77 Wellsite, Netla Region (10)
- Peel River Ferry Crossing - km 74.4 Dempster Highway (47)
- Pensive Lake (4)
- Petiot and Liard River - Ice Crossings (34)
- Petiot River (31)
- Pigeon Pipe (17)
- Pine Point (83)
- Pine Point - Hay River (242)
- Pine Point Bridge, Highway 5, Km 2.2 (19)
- Pine Point Disctrict (109)
- Pine Point Mine Site (115)
- Pine Point Tailings Impoundment Area (140)
- Pointed Mountain (25)
- Pointed Mountain Pipeline (9)
- Poritt Landing (55)
- Portage 55 of the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road (61)
- Portage 55 of Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road (2)
- Port Radium-Deline District (51)
- Port Radium - Deline District (40)
- Port Radium Mine Site- Great Bear Lake (1)
- Prairie Creek Access Road (24)
- Prairie Creek Mine (1088)
- Prairie Creek Mine Site (94)
- Prairie Creek Mine site (32)
- Prairie Creek Mine to Tetceka Transfer Facility (314)
- Prairie Creek Mine to Tetcela Transfer Facility (304)
- Prelude Lake Microwave Tower (34)
- Prelude Lake Territorial Park (30)
- Prohibition Creek km 995.3 (41)
- Proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline route (CNR trail) (5)
- proposed pipeline route (CN line) (1)
- Prosperous Lake (106)
- Prosperous lake to Ormsby Lake to Nicholas Lake (75)
- Proven Area (20)
- Ptarmigan and Tom Mine (16)
- Rabbit Creek (1)
- Rabbit Creek F-75 (2)
- Rachelle Creek km1135 (39)
- Rachelle Creek km 1135 (32)
- Reid Lake Campground (25)
- Remote Sump Sites (76)
- Rengling River (3)
- Ren Property (27)
- Ren Property, (Itchen Lake, Point Lake) (83)
- Root River Base Camp (52)
- Rosalie Creek (25)
- Ruth, Bullmoose, Beaulieu, Spectrum, Chipp, Storm, and Joon Mines (386)
- Sable Lake (97)
- Sahtu Settlement Area (1)
- Salmita Mine (23)
- Salt Mountain (292)
- Salt Mountain pits on N and S side of Hwy #5 (31)
- Salt River First Nation (35)
- Sambaa Deh Territorial Park (23)
- Sambaa Ke Fishing Lodge Land Lease (9)
- Sandy Lake (20)
- Sawmill Bay (17)
- Selwyn Lake (40)
- Selwyn Mountains (1)
- SE of Tulita, NE of Tate Lake (37)
- Shale Creek (16)
- Sherman Lake, NT (31)
- SHIHA Pipeline and Gathering System (113)
- Site 467 (3)
- Sitidgi Lake (3)
- Slater River (113)
- Smith Creek Gravel Pit (5)
- Snap Lake (23)
- Snap Lake Mine (193)
- Snare Forks and Strutt Lake Quarries (34)
- Snare Hydro (73)
- Snare Hydro to Nico Lake (10)
- Snare Lake (121)
- south (13)
- South-East of Travaillant Lake (6)
- Southbelt Property (30)
- Southern Part of the GSA (6)
- Southern Slave Craton, NT (47)
- south of (10)
- South of Norman Wells (214)
- South side of Hwy #6 near km 19.5 & 20 (40)
- Spirit Lake Camp/Royce Group Claimblock (23)
- Steep Creek km 815.8 (46)
- Steeves Lake, NT (182)
- Stewart/Tate Lake-Tulita District (34)
- Stony Creek (tower), Midway Lake-km 44.1 & Stoney Creek-km 23.6 (3)
- Strutt Lake / Snare Hydro (6)
- Summit/Keele Area- Tulita District (48)
- Summit/Keele L-44 (54)
- Summit/Redstone-Tulita District (41)
- Summit Creek-Tulita District (195)
- Summit Creek / Keele River - Tulita District (67)
- Summit Creek/Keele River - Tulita District (56)
- Summit Creek B-44 (88)
- Sunny Lake Tower Site (Northwestel Tower) (13)
- Tailings Pond 4 (23)
- Talisman Energy Site (11)
- Taltheilei Narrows, East Arm of Great Slave Lake (39)
- Talthelei Narrows (112)
- Taltson Hydro Facility Winter Road (37)
- Taltson River Basin (750)
- Tate Lake Area (56)
- Thebacha Woodlot #1 (15)
- Thonokied Lake (45)
- Thor Lake (234)
- Thor Lake - Nechalacho Deposit site (187)
- Thor Lake Campsite Airstrip (31)
- Thunder River (22)
- Tibbit to Contwoyto and Spur Roads (19)
- Tibbit to Contwoyto Lake (33)
- Tibbit to Contwoyto Lake with Spur roads to Snap lake, Tundra Mine, Gahcho Kue and to the Nunavut Border (49)
- Tibbit to Contwoyto Winter Road (48)
- Tibbit to Contwyoto Winter Road (19)
- Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road (52)
- Tin Mine 20 Km NE of Yellowknife (21)
- Tl'oondih Healing Camp, 30 km south of Fort McPherson, N.T. (3)
- Tloondih -27 km south of Ft. McPherson, 18km south of Peel River crossing (12)
- to Bullmoose lake (47)
- to Lac la Martre Falls (53)
- to Mackay Lake (15)
- Tom Lake area, Cassidy Point (2)
- to Rae Lakes (6)
- to Sitidigi Lake (13)
- Town of Forth Smith (402)
- Town of Fort Smith (3)
- Town of Hay River (31)
- Transboundary (54)
- Tree River (19)
- Trout Lake (8)
- Trout Lake, NT (104)
- Trout Lake Airport, NT (16)
- Trout Lake Airport Runway (25)
- Trout River (17)
- Trout River Gorge Park (3)
- Tsiigehtchic (58)
- Tsiigehtchic - Thunder River (5)
- Tsiigehtchic Pit (4)
- Tsintu River km 1154.4 (26)
- Tso Lake (8)
- Tulita (132)
- Tulita & Fort Good Hope (2)
- Tulita / Deline Districts (1)
- Tulita District (203)
- Tulita District-Summit Creek B-44 (96)
- Tulita District-surveying (2)
- Tundra minesite (436)
- Tundra Minesite (349)
- Tundra Mine Site (28)
- Turton Lake (28)
- Turton Lake- G-47 (81)
- Turton Lake-Tulita District (83)
- Turton Lake A-58 (32)
- Tweed Lake M-47 (35)
- Tweed Lake M-47 Evaluation (42)
- Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park (21)
- Twin Gorges Plant (29)
- Upper Carp Lake (19)
- Vairous Well Sites (508)
- Various Communities (14)
- Various locations (112)
- Various Sites along the Dempster Highway, Km 6.3 to Km 251.2 (16)
- Vermillion Creek (76)
- Village of Fort Simpson (231)
- Water Treatment Plant (9)
- Wekweeti, NT (100)
- Wekweeti Winter Road (9)
- Well site 2H-03 (64)
- Wellsite 3P-66B (55)
- Well Site A-68 (36)
- Wellsite A-68 (17)
- Wellsite A-77 (17)
- Wellsite C-07 (15)
- Well site C-31 (18)
- Wellsite C-31 (10)
- Wellsite E-52 (53)
- Wellsite F-25A (7)
- Wellsite F-56 (17)
- Well site H-72 (54)
- Wellsite I-75 (16)
- Wellsite J-74 (15)
- Well site K-35 (17)
- Wellsite K-77 (16)
- Wellsite M-35 (16)
- Wellsite O-38 (15)
- Wellsite O-63 (15)
- Wellsite P-16 (19)
- Wellsites L-68 - South Pointed Mountain and K-02 - Mount Koty (26)
- West (4)
- west channel (38)
- West of (2)
- west side of East Branch - 10km ssw of Inuvik (14)
- White Wolf Lake (63)
- Wigness Laje (25)
- Willey Road (9)
- Willowhandle Lake Area (39)
- Willow River (1)
- Willow River Area (17)
- Willow River quarrying area (3)
- Willow River Quarying Area, Source 467 (3)
- Winter Rd-FGH to Colville Lake (42)
- Winter Road from Rae Lakes to Snare (25)
- Wrigley Zinc property (63)
- Yamba Lake and Exeter Lake (59)
- Yellowknife (161)
- Yellowknife, Fort Smith and Fort Simpson Airports (3)
- Yellowknife Airport (85)
- Yellowknife Bay (10)
- Yellowknife to Courageous Lake (45)
- YK Airport (172)
- YKDFN Weledeh Site - YK River (19)
- --Sub-Type--
- AdMP - Adaptive Management Plan (20)
- AEMP - Annual Report (571)
- AEMP - Program (1120)
- All Issuances (5244)
- AMP Ammonia Management (198)
- Annual Reports (4046)
- AN Storage (10)
- Application and Related Docs (20244)
- Assignments (823)
- Assorted Management Plans (2857)
- Compensation (148)
- Conceptual Closure and Reclamation Plan (308)
- Consultations - Reviews - Work Plans (13733)
- Court Decisions (22)
- CRP Progress Report – PAR – RCR (239)
- Designs and As-Builts (1744)
- Engagement Plan (920)
- Environmental Assessment (367)
- External Authorizations (1426)
- Final Closure and Reclamation Plan (637)
- Final Plan and Clearance (4178)
- Further Study Requested Sec. 22.2.b (202)
- GIS Data (131)
- Inspection Reports (7273)
- Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan (1615)
- Modifications (598)
- Municipal Operations and Maintenance (602)
- Operations and Notifications (5266)
- Other (4104)
- Other Monitoring Program (396)
- Preliminary Screening (1262)
- Progressive Reclamation (148)
- Progress Reports (546)
- Public Hearing (2641)
- Security and Water Use Fees (2281)
- Sediment and Erosion Control (319)
- Shapefiles (217)
- SNP Program (506)
- SNP Reports (4273)
- Spill - Contingency - Emergency Response (1760)
- Spill Reports (1136)
- Storage Authorizations (366)
- Technical Session (1427)
- Waste Management Plan (1528)
- Waste Rock and Seepage (187)
- Waste Rock and Tailings Management (349)
- Water Management (787)
- WEMP - Wildlife Effects Monitoring Program (222)
- Withdrawal - Return - Denial (255)
- --Authorization Number--
- G00A012 (19)
- G00A013 (22)
- G00A014 (2)
- G00B011 (21)
- G00E007 (2)
- G00E010 (1)
- G00L1-002 (8)
- G00L8-001 (1)
- G00Q001 (2)
- G00Q003 (2)
- G00Q006 (2)
- G00Q008 (44)
- G00S002 (2)
- G00S005 (2)
- G01B001 (2)
- G01F002 (22)
- G01F011 (3)
- G01H010 (3)
- G01L1-001 (2)
- G01L1-002 (2)
- G01Q003 (2)
- G01Q004 (11)
- G01Q005 (8)
- G01Q006 (10)
- G01Q007 (11)
- G01Q009 (3)
- G01S008 (4)
- G02A011 (41)
- G02A012 (23)
- G02A013 (25)
- G02A014 (6)
- G02F002 (3)
- G02F010 (5)
- G02J007 (5)
- G02L7-001 (1)
- G02N001 (3)
- G02Q003 (3)
- G02Q005 (6)
- G02Q006 (4)
- G02Q008 (5)
- G02Q009 (4)
- G02S004 (6)
- G03E010 (3)
- G03H012 (2)
- G03J009 (3)
- G03L004 (3)
- G03L005 (3)
- G03L006 (3)
- G03L007 (3)
- G03L3-001 (75)
- G03L8-002 (1)
- G03Q008 (2)
- G03S001 (2)
- G03S002 (4)
- G03S003 (5)
- G04H004 (15)
- G04J005 (10)
- G04J008 (3)
- G04L8-001 (2)
- G04Q001 (10)
- G04Q002 (5)
- G04Q003 (5)
- G04Q006 (5)
- G04S007 (4)
- G05F001 (7)
- G05L002 (7)
- G05Q004 (3)
- G05S005 (3)
- G05S006 (6)
- G05S007 (8)
- G05W003 (4)
- G05X008 (13)
- G06H008 (4)
- G06J003 (6)
- G06J007 (6)
- G06L3-001 (91)
- G06L8-002 (3)
- G06L8-003 (2)
- G06N009 (21)
- G06Q001 (8)
- G06Q002 (6)
- G06Q006 (3)
- G06S010 (2)
- G06X004 (3)
- G06X005 (3)
- G07C003 (3)
- G07E006 (16)
- G07F001 (3)
- G07F002 (13)
- G07Q005 (2)
- G07Q007 (13)
- G07Q008 (2)
- G08H004 (17)
- G08J003 (27)
- G08L8-001 (28)
- G08L8-002 (14)
- G08Q001 (17)
- G08Q002 (1)
- G08Q005 (1)
- G08S006 (2)
- G09F001 (17)
- G09L8-001 (1)
- G09Q003 (19)
- G09Q005 (25)
- G09Q006 (13)
- G09X002 (2)
- G10J006 (18)
- G10L8-001 (3)
- G10L8-002 (3)
- G10Q001 (22)
- G10Q002 (21)
- G10Q005 (24)
- G10Q007 (10)
- G10Q009 (15)
- G10S008 (8)
- G10X003 (13)
- G10X004 (13)
- G11Q001 (21)
- G12L3-001 (2)
- G12Q002 (15)
- G12Q005 (16)
- G12Q006 (16)
- G12Q007 (21)
- G12X001 (12)
- G12X004 (9)
- G13E005 (15)
- G13H004 (88)
- G13L1-002 (2)
- G13L3-001 (12)
- G13Q001 (26)
- G13Q002 (15)
- G13X003 (13)
- G14E002 (67)
- G14L3-001 (30)
- G14Q003 (32)
- G14Q004 (16)
- G14X001 (11)
- G15H001 (14)
- G15L8-001 (60)
- G15L8-002 (57)
- G15Q002 (13)
- G16L3-002 (22)
- G16Q001 (35)
- G16Q003 (35)
- G16Q004 (60)
- G16S005 (32)
- G16X006 (23)
- G16X008 (26)
- G17L1-002 (71)
- G17L3-001 (61)
- G17Q005 (23)
- G17Q007 (28)
- G17Q010 (16)
- G17S009 (16)
- G17X001 (15)
- G17X002 (12)
- G17X003 (12)
- G17X004 (12)
- G17X006 (34)
- G17X011 (14)
- G18Q003 (21)
- G18Q004 (13)
- G18S006 (14)
- G18X002 (11)
- G18X005-G18L8-001 (93)
- G19H010 (16)
- G19Q005 (29)
- G19Q006 (13)
- G19Q007 (14)
- G19Q008 (17)
- G19Q009 (21)
- G19S003 (19)
- G19S004 (14)
- G19S011 (14)
- G20H006 (37)
- G20Q001 (12)
- G20Q003 (8)
- G20Q004 (9)
- G20Q005 (7)
- G20S002 (7)
- G20X007 (9)
- G20X009 (8)
- G21E001 (35)
- G21Q002 (7)
- G21S003 (10)
- G22H003 (22)
- G22L1-005 (30)
- G22L3-001 (27)
- G22L3-004 (27)
- G22L8-002 (18)
- G22L8-003 (17)
- G22Q001 (10)
- G23H002 (14)
- G23L3-001 (17)
- G23L8-002 (31)
- G23Q001 (7)
- G24L8-001 (10)
- G24L8-002 (10)
- G24L8-003 (10)
- G24X001 (12)
- G24X002 (12)
- G24X003 (13)
- G99H005 (5)
- G99J012 (2)
- G99L3-003 (37)
- G99L3-004 (53)
- G99L8-001 (47)
- G99L8-002 (48)
- G99Q001 (2)
- G99Q002 (2)
- G99Q003 (2)
- G99Q006 (2)
- G99Q008 (2)
- G99Q009 (2)
- G99Q010 (2)
- G99Q011 (2)
- G99Q014 (2)
- MV2000A0001 (13)
- MV2000A0006 (19)
- MV2000A0032 (39)
- MV2000A0034 (5)
- MV2000A0041 (38)
- MV2000A0052 (2)
- MV2000A0059 (15)
- MV2000B0066 (5)
- MV2000C0002 (6)
- MV2000C0003 (6)
- MV2000C0024 (22)
- MV2000C0030 (10)
- MV2000C0061 (23)
- MV2000C0076 (22)
- MV2000E0014 (7)
- MV2000E0016 (8)
- MV2000E0017 (7)
- MV2000E0048 (8)
- MV2000E0050 (13)
- MV2000F0008 (7)
- MV2000F0058 (25)
- MV2000L0021 (2)
- MV2000L1-0001 (3)
- MV2000L1-0006 (1)
- MV2000L1-0008 (2)
- MV2000L1-0009 (9)
- MV2000L1-0012 (1)
- MV2000L1-0014 (10)
- MV2000L2-0018 (16)
- MV2000L8-0013 (30)
- MV2000P0055 (92)
- MV2000P0057 (5)
- MV2000Q0025 (1)
- MV2000Q0054 (8)
- MV2000Q0067 (14)
- MV2000Q0068 (12)
- MV2000Q0071 (15)
- MV2000T0062 (11)
- MV2000T0065 (15)
- MV2000W0042 (7)
- MV2000W0043 (3)
- MV2000W0070 (4)
- MV2000X0015 (11)
- MV2001A0080 (4)
- MV2001A0081 (3)
- MV2001A0083 (13)
- MV2001A0085 (9)
- MV2001A0092 (13)
- MV2001B0009 (10)
- MV2001B0088 (5)
- MV2001B0091 (2)
- MV2001C0006 (16)
- MV2001C0007 (20)
- MV2001C0012 (121)
- MV2001C0016 (16)
- MV2001C0021 (2)
- MV2001C0022 (24)
- MV2001C0023 (48)
- MV2001C0026 (12)
- MV2001C0029 (12)
- MV2001C0046 (6)
- MV2001C0051 (6)
- MV2001C0056 (7)
- MV2001C0059 (22)
- MV2001C0065 (67)
- MV2001C0066 (7)
- MV2001C0068 (24)
- MV2001C0084 (17)
- MV2001C0090 (35)
- MV2001C0093 (35)
- MV2001E0008 (10)
- MV2001E0038 (20)
- MV2001E0057 (1)
- MV2001E0062 (10)
- MV2001E0076 (1)
- MV2001E0082 (3)
- MV2001E0094 (16)
- MV2001F0004 (3)
- MV2001F0005 (5)
- MV2001F0032 (60)
- MV2001F0079 (8)
- MV2001F0095 (1)
- MV2001H0025 (15)
- MV2001H0061 (11)
- MV2001J0001 (2)
- MV2001J0036 (17)
- MV2001J0037 (18)
- MV2001J0039 (18)
- MV2001J0042 (10)
- MV2001J0058 (28)
- MV2001J0086 (5)
- MV2001L1-0005 (2)
- MV2001L1-0011 (1)
- MV2001L2-0002 (1263)
- MV2001L2-0003 (321)
- MV2001L2-0004 (56)
- MV2001L2-0008 (120)
- MV2001L3-0012 (172)
- MV2001L8-0006 (1)
- MV2001P0097 (8)
- MV2001Q0002 (6)
- MV2001Q0027 (6)
- MV2001Q0040 (5)
- MV2001Q0044 (1)
- MV2001Q0045 (4)
- MV2001Q0052 (3)
- MV2001Q0053 (5)
- MV2001Q0055 (3)
- MV2001Q0060 (6)
- MV2001Q0063 (16)
- MV2001Q0064 (7)
- MV2001Q0087 (11)
- MV2001Q0089 (13)
- MV2001T0041 (9)
- MV2001T0047 (6)
- MV2001T0073 (11)
- MV2001W0014 (4)
- MV2001W0078 (39)
- MV2001X0030 (75)
- MV2001X0071 (17)
- MV2001X0072 (25)
- MV2002A0038 (46)
- MV2002A0046 (32)
- MV2002A0048 (16)
- MV2002A0049 (11)
- MV2002A0050 (6)
- MV2002A0051 (32)
- MV2002A0065 (8)
- MV2002A0066 (10)
- MV2002A0067 (20)
- MV2002A0068 (13)
- MV2002A0069 (13)
- MV2002A0070 (19)
- MV2002A0071 (43)
- MV2002A0074 (8)
- MV2002A0075 (6)
- MV2002A0076 (13)
- MV2002A0077 (14)
- MV2002A0078 (14)
- MV2002A0089 (24)
- MV2002B0055 (10)
- MV2002B0057 (8)
- MV2002C0002 (56)
- MV2002C0005 (15)
- MV2002C0006 (36)
- MV2002C0008 (17)
- MV2002C0010 (7)
- MV2002C0011 (3)
- MV2002C0015 (19)
- MV2002C0019 (14)
- MV2002C0020 (15)
- MV2002C0021 (10)
- MV2002C0026 (35)
- MV2002C0028 (4)
- MV2002C0034 (18)
- MV2002C0040 (129)
- MV2002C0082 (12)
- MV2002C0084 (27)
- MV2002C0086 (34)
- MV2002E0058 (48)
- MV2002E0059 (13)
- MV2002E0060 (119)
- MV2002E0061 (1)
- MV2002E0062 (35)
- MV2002E0063 (21)
- MV2002F0035 (53)
- MV2002F0036 (9)
- MV2002F0053 (13)
- MV2002J0087 (21)
- MV2002L0024 (16)
- MV2002L1-0004 (39)
- MV2002L1-0007 (32)
- MV2002L1-0008 (4)
- MV2002L1-0009 (4)
- MV2002L1-0010 (37)
- MV2002L1-0011 (14)
- MV2002L1-0012 (5)
- MV2002L1-0013 (53)
- MV2002L1-0014 (7)
- MV2002L1-0015 (6)
- MV2002L1-0016 (5)
- MV2002L2-0001 (7)
- MV2002L2-0002 (15)
- MV2002L2-0017 (137)
- MV2002L2-0019 (1982)
- MV2002L2-0020 (4)
- MV2002L3-0018 (11)
- MV2002P0009 (29)
- MV2002P0072 (26)
- MV2002Q0007 (11)
- MV2002Q0016 (4)
- MV2002Q0018 (16)
- MV2002Q0022 (23)
- MV2002Q0023 (15)
- MV2002Q0025 (11)
- MV2002Q0032 (51)
- MV2002Q0033 (27)
- MV2002Q0037 (16)
- MV2002Q0042 (2)
- MV2002Q0043 (19)
- MV2002Q0047 (15)
- MV2002Q0052 (22)
- MV2002Q0054 (14)
- MV2002Q0056 (12)
- MV2002Q0073 (18)
- MV2002W0001 (16)
- MV2002W0029 (15)
- MV2002W0039 (10)
- MV2002X0003 (15)
- MV2002X0013 (7)
- MV2002X0014 (7)
- MV2002X0017 (13)
- MV2002X0031 (52)
- MV2002X0045 (4)
- MV2002X0081 (4)
- MV2002X0088 (4)
- MV2003A0005 (43)
- MV2003C0001 (53)
- MV2003C0003 (1)
- MV2003C0004 (2)
- MV2003C0006 (65)
- MV2003C0008 (3)
- MV2003C0014 (26)
- MV2003C0023 (146)
- MV2003C0036 (34)
- MV2003C0039 (43)
- MV2003C0048 (38)
- MV2003C0050 (66)
- MV2003F0028 (91)
- MV2003F0029 (34)
- MV2003H0015 (25)
- MV2003H0027 (19)
- MV2003J0021 (10)
- MV2003L1-0002 (6)
- MV2003L1-0004 (3)
- MV2003L1-0009 (5)
- MV2003L2-0005 (289)
- MV2003L2-0013 (746)
- MV2003L3-0006 (42)
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- MV2003L3-0011 (77)
- MV2003L4-0014 (254)
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- MV2003L8-0003 (12)
- MV2003L8-0007 (141)
- MV2003L8-0008 (57)
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- MV2003W0041 (7)
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- MV2003X0017 (1)
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- MV2004A0042 (48)
- MV2004B0040 (8)
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- MV2004C0046 (37)
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- MV2004C0050 (74)
- MV2004F0005 (44)
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- MV2004F0007 (47)
- MV2004F0008 (39)
- MV2004F0022 (40)
- MV2004F0029 (6)
- MV2004F0045 (49)
- MV2004L2-0005 (104)
- MV2004L8-0001 (430)
- MV2004L8-0003 (20)
- MV2004L8-0004 (59)
- MV2004Q0009 (42)
- MV2004Q0019 (18)
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- MV2004Q0043 (3)
- MV2004Q0049 (1)
- MV2004S0015 (3)
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- MV2004W0041 (46)
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- MV2004X0047 (60)
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- MV2005C0025 (60)
- MV2005C0032 (764)
- MV2005D0009 (33)
- MV2005F0028 (184)
- MV2005J0016 (29)
- MV2005L1-0005 (15)
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- MV2005L1-0012 (4)
- MV2005L1-0013 (47)
- MV2005L2-0003 (40)
- MV2005L2-0015 (1685)
- MV2005L4-0008 (241)
- MV2005L8-0001 (7)
- MV2005L8-0002 (32)
- MV2005L8-0004 (16)
- MV2005L8-0006 (15)
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- MV2006L1-0006 (35)
- MV2006L1-0007 (45)
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- MV2006L8-0004 (25)
- MV2006P0018 (240)
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- MV2006W0037 (37)
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- MV2007A0002 (39)
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- MV2007A0018 (13)
- MV2007A0019 (13)
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- MV2007A0046 (25)
- MV2007C0009 (19)
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- MV2007C0011 (47)
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- MV2007C0039 (81)
- MV2007C0040 (34)
- MV2007C0043 (1)
- MV2007C0048 (6)
- MV2007E0050 (33)
- MV2007F0001 (36)
- MV2007F0045 (49)
- MV2007F0049 (23)
- MV2007I0033 (45)
- MV2007L1-0001 (20)
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- MV2007L1-0003 (10)
- MV2007L1-0004 (9)
- MV2007L1-0005 (9)
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- MV2007L1-0015 (9)
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- N97X798 (2)
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- N98X840 (2)
- N98X841 (2)
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- N1998A0917 (2)
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- N1998A0949 (31)
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- N1998Q0910 (2)
- N1998Q0911 (2)
- N1998Q0912 (2)
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- PNR-01-004 (1)
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- PNR-01-006 (1)
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- PNR-02-004 (1)
- PNR-02-005 (1)
- PNR-03-003 (1)
- PNR-03-011 (1)
- PNR-04-001 (14)
- PNR-06-001 (1)
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- S00L3-002 (50)
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- S00L8-004 (32)
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- S00L8-006 (29)
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- S01L1-003 (104)
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- S02E-001 (47)
- S02L1-003 (88)
- S02L8-006 (31)
- S02L8-008 (37)
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- S03A-007 (64)
- S03A-008 (69)
- S03A-010 (35)
- S03B-001 (28)
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- S03E-005 (34)
- S03L1-001 (169)
- S03L1-002 (36)
- S03L1-015 (83)
- S03L1-016 (100)
- S03L1-017 (42)
- S03L1-020 (42)
- S03L8-003 (34)
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- S03L8-013 (23)
- S03L8-014 (52)
- S03L8-018 (48)
- S03L8-019 (42)
- S03S-009 (69)
- S03T-003 (34)
- S04A-005 (59)
- S04A-006 (65)
- S04A-008 (45)
- S04A-010 (51)
- S04A-011 (55)
- S04B-004 (36)
- S04B-009 (9)
- S04B-012 (37)
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- S04E-014 (27)
- S04L1-005 (51)
- S04L1-006 (58)
- S04L1-009 (48)
- S04L1-011 (60)
- S04L1-012 (81)
- S04L1-015 (34)
- S04L1-016 (42)
- S04L3-004 (36)
- S04L8-003 (36)
- S04L8-007 (9)
- S04L8-008 (39)
- S04L8-013 (56)
- S04L8-014 (58)
- S04L8-017 (34)
- S04S-013 (53)
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- S05A-008 (28)
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- S05B-011 (35)
- S05B-013 (38)
- S05C-002 (37)
- S05C-012 (51)
- S05C-014 (18)
- S05L1-004 (54)
- S05L1-005 (32)
- S05L3-001 (39)
- S05L3-002 (67)
- S05L3-003 (46)
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- S06B-007 (34)
- S06B-010 (28)
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- S06C-008 (13)
- S06C-009 (17)
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- S06L8-001 (36)
- S06L8-002 (25)
- S06S-003 (21)
- S07A-015 (34)
- S07A-016 (47)
- S07B-007 (25)
- S07B-017 (41)
- S07B-018 (35)
- S07C-002 (37)
- S07C-003 (35)
- S07C-004 (39)
- S07C-005 (55)
- S07C-006 (39)
- S07C-008 (19)
- S07C-009 (17)
- S07C-010 (28)
- S07C-011 (1)
- S07C-012 (1)
- S07C-013 (1)
- S07L1-004 (52)
- S07L1-005 (39)
- S07L1-006 (34)
- S07L3-002 (93)
- S07L3-003 (48)
- S07T-014 (40)
- S08A-005 (44)
- S08B-006 (23)
- S08B-008 (34)
- S08C-003 (1)
- S08E-007 (1)
- S08F-001 (18)
- S08G-002 (1)
- S08L1-001 (40)
- S08L1-002 (25)
- S08Q-009 (26)
- S08T-004 (17)
- S09B-002 (44)
- S09D-001 (68)
- S09L3-002 (44)
- S09L8-001 (76)
- S09L8-003 (17)
- S10L1-001 (70)
- S11A-003 (70)
- S11B-004 (82)
- S11B-005 (45)
- S11C-001 (29)
- S11L1-003 (82)
- S11L1-004 (24)
- S11L1-005 (45)
- S11L3-002 (67)
- S11L8-001 (14)
- S11L8-006 (19)
- S11T-002 (43)
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- S12A-003 (64)
- S12A-005 (103)
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- S12L1-001 (150)
- S12L1-003 (47)
- S12L1-005 (111)
- S12L3-002 (40)
- S12L3-006 (100)
- S12L3-009 (45)
- S12L8-004 (20)
- S12L8-007 (43)
- S12L8-008 (61)
- S12Q-004 (20)
- S12S-002 (37)
- S12X-006 (116)
- S13A-001 (115)
- S13A-002 (95)
- S13L1-004 (99)
- S13L1-005 (83)
- S13L1-006 (78)
- S13L1-007 (772)
- S13L8-001 (25)
- S13L8-002 (25)
- S13L8-003 (32)
- S13L8-008 (41)
- S13Q-004 (35)
- S13X-003 (98)
- S14A-003 (59)
- S14A-004 (58)
- S14A-006 (40)
- S14J-002 (29)
- S14L-005 (11)
- S14L1-002 (39)
- S14L1-003 (138)
- S14L1-004 (42)
- S14L3-001 (11)
- S14S-001 (30)
- S15A-001 (35)
- S15E-004 (50)
- S15H-003 (32)
- S15J-002 (57)
- S15L3-002 (52)
- S15L3-003 (32)
- S15L8-001 (66)
- S15L8-004 (40)
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- S16F-001 (24)
- S16L3-001 (39)
- S16L8-002 (45)
- S16Q-003 (32)
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- S17H-002 (16)
- S17J-001 (51)
- S17L1-004 (47)
- S17L3-001 (27)
- S17L8-002 (101)
- S17L8-003 (76)
- S17L8-005 (20)
- S17P-005 (58)
- S17X-004 (37)
- S17X-006 (27)
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- S18L3-001 (55)
- S18L3-003 (67)
- S18X-001 (11)
- S18X-002 (12)
- S18X-003 (23)
- S18X-004 (30)
- S19A-004 (64)
- S19C-003 (46)
- S19L1-003 (64)
- S19L3-001 (22)
- S19L8-002 (39)
- S19S-001 (49)
- S19S-002 (17)
- S19S-005 (26)
- S20E-005 (51)
- S20J-003 (5)
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- S20L1-004 (35)
- S20L3-003 (25)
- S20L8-002 (37)
- S20L8-005 (18)
- S20P-003 (53)
- S20Q-007 (16)
- S20S-001 (26)
- S20S-002 (24)
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- S21S-001 (23)
- S21S-003 (17)
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- S22A-002 (36)
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- S22L1-001 (24)
- S22L1-002 (33)
- S22L8-003 (4)
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- S24L3-001 (17)
- S24L8-003 (30)
- S24L8-004 (39)
- S24S-002 (17)
- S24S-003 (19)
- S24X-001 (9)
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- S25C-003 (14)
- S25Q-004 (7)
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- W2008C0003 (9)
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- W2015C0003 (33)
- W2015C0004 (33)
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